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10 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone's Day

A random act of kindness can brighten someone’s spirits or completely turn someone’s sad day around. There are so many ways for you to show kindness to others, but we have 10 simple ideas to get you started if you don’t know where to begin.

Hold the door open for people

Opening the door for someone might seem unspectacular, but it’s a thoughtful gesture that will be appreciated for years to come.

Pay for someone’s coffee

We always love seeing the stories of people paying it forward at a coffee shop. Perhaps you could be the next person to start a long line of kindness in a local drive-thru.

Give someone an encouraging note

Kind words possess enormous power. Leave a sweet note on a friend’s car or front door to let them know how loved they are.

Leave a small amount of money for someone to find

How happy would you be if you found a random $1 or $5 bill? Drop a small dollar amount at the self-checkout or on a park bench for someone to discover.

Let someone check out before you at the store

If you see someone with only a few items at the store, let them get in line ahead of you. It’s always a pleasant surprise.

Call an old friend or relative out of the blue

Your old mentor from college. That brother or sister from your fraternity or sorority. An elderly relative living alone in a retirement community. Give them an unexpected phone call. Offer some encouragement and catch up.

Volunteer to wash the dishes

When dinner is done, endear yourself to everyone by clearing the table and loading up the dishwasher.

Visit patients at a hospital or nursing home

Sadly, there are a lot of people at hospitals and nursing homes who don’t get many visitors. Stop by, have a brief conversation and make someone’s day.

Pick up donuts or bagels for coworkers

Swing by a donut or bagel shop on the way to work. A dozen donuts or bagels will boost the mood of the entire office!

Tip your server an unusually high amount

Even if the service isn’t stellar, tip your server well. Waiting tables isn’t easy, and your server will be so thankful for your generosity.

Send someone a care package

Whether it’s a college student you love or a friend who just moved somewhere new, a care package could be just what they need to feel at home.

What are some ways you’ve showed kindness to others? Tag @kirklands to share with us.